Dry Salt Therapy, also known as, Halotherapy, involves breathing infused, all natural, pure grade sodium chloride particles, that have been mixed into the air. This therapy may improve a wide variety of ailments and conditions: asthma, allergies, anxiety, inflammation, skin issues, and even the common cold. The salt is naturally anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial.

The magic is our Halogenerator, which grinds up the salt to tiny micron size particles and disperses it into the room. So, all you need to do is lay back, relax and just breathe in the benefits. 


Scientific studies have found that pure salt is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and has the ability to remove airborne pathogens. When you breathe in microscopic salt particles, the salt penetrates deep into the respiratory system to absorb toxins, allergens, and foreign substances.  This allows mucus to be expectorated in an effective, health-improving fashion.



Salt particles penetrate the surface of the skin.  Scientific research confirms that salt provides pH normalization and causes reparative and regenerative processes in the derma.  Skin rigidity is improved, skin growth is stimulated, and hair health is improved.  


Over the decades, clinical research has documented that negative ions can have a profoundly beneficial effect on both the mind and the body. The negative ions in salt counterbalance the positive ions we pick up from toxins, pollutants and allergens in the air.  They also offset positive ions emitted by electronic devices such as cell phones, computers and televisions. In dry salt therapy, the negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping alleviate depression, relieve stress and boost our daytime energy.


Sleep apnea and snoring are most basically caused by obstructed air passages and may be relieved by the anti-inflammatory and respiratory cleansing properties of dry salt therapy.  When irritated passageways are opened up and cleared, smooth muscles are calmed, and restful breathing may be achieved.

Since the beginning of time, salt has been an essential part of human life.  It has been used in cooking, as a preservative, and on icy roads for traction.  Centuries ago it was even used as a currency!  Salt is also used in holistic wellness practices as a beauty aid, for cleaning sinus passages and in bath salts.​

​In the 1800’s, in salt caves and mines in Eastern Europe and Russia, it was noticed that workers in the caves did not have respiratory ailments like others who did not work in the caves.  The salt mine workers also tended to be healthier overall.​

​Dr. Feliks Boczkowski founded the first salt therapy treatment in 1839 at a resort facility at the Wielicaka Salt Mine in Poland.  He brought particular attention to the fact that staying in the underground salt caves was an extremely effective asthma treatment.​

​During WWII, doctors observed that people hiding in salt mines and caves began to experience benefits of improved respiratory health.  In the 1960’s, underground spa facilities became a popular means of therapy for people with respiratory conditions.​

​The first halogenerator was developed by the Russians in 1976, and halotherapy (dry salt therapy) was born.  It was first practiced in the USSR and Europe. Salt therapy then spread to Canada, Australia and finally the United States in 2011.​

​For a more detailed history, go to www.salttherapyassociation.org.